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Radionica izrade protetičkih naprava pod nazivom ‘Ekstenzije cheap wedding invitations čovjeka Hakiranje tijela cheap wedding invitations Protetika’ pod vodstvom Nine Czegledy (Kanada) i članova Radione održat će se 5. listopada od 14:00 do 19:30 u Galeriji Klovićevi dvori u sklopu programa festivala Ekstravagantna tijela: Ekstravagantne godine. Radionica je namijenjena polaznicima starije životne dobi.
Prosthetics workshop titled ‘The Extensions of Man – Hacking The Body – Prosthetic’ will be led by Nina Czegledy & Radiona.org (Canada & Croatia) on 5 October from 14:00 to 19:30 at Klovićevi dvori Gallery in Zagreb within the program of Extravagant Bodies: Extravagant Age Festival. The workshop is intended for senior participants.
Photo above: SPLICE Project (c) Photo bellow: The Sierra prosthetic hand from 1945 performed better than the newer hands. The inner hand shown in the photo are covered by a cosmetic glove. Credit: Delft University Of Technology (c)
CROATIAN: SPLICE projekt nudi znanstveni pogled na ljudsko tijelo na rubu umjetnosti i medicine pokazujući drevnu anatomsku umjetnost na koju se nadovezuju cheap wedding invitations ili kojoj se suprostavljaju suvremena umjetnička djela. Radionice Ljudske ekstenzije Protetika Hakiranje tijela sastavni su dio projekta SPLICE, a nude mogućnost istraživanja promjene percepcije ljudskoga tijela pod utjecajem znanstvenih, društvenih, političkih i kulturnih tumačenja.
Protetika po principu uradi sam našla je svoj put do šire publike zajedno s razvojem 3D printanja, Arduinomikrokontrolera, priručne elektronike, slobodnog hardwarea i nosive tehnologije u hakerskim i stvaralačkim prostorima (hackerspaces i makerspaces) diljem svijeta. cheap wedding invitations Stoga svatko može složiti naprave u vlastitome domu koje im mogu biti od pomoći. Protetika svoju uobičajenu ulogu nalazi unutar medicine, znanosti i tehnologije. Ali što se dogodi kada se tim područjima pridruže uradi sam majstori kako bi izumili slične stvari? Svi koji odluče pohađati ovu radionicu mogu saznati kako izraditi jednostavnu protezu cheap wedding invitations pomoću rukavice i Arduina, senzora, strujnih krugova i programiranja, kao i bilo kojeg drugog povoljnog materijala. Za izradu pokretnih dijelova, cheap wedding invitations sudionici uče kako strujni krug spojen na senzore i motore stvara pokretni predmet putem mikrokontrolera koji služi kao mozak. Kroz praktične aktivnosti poput lemljenja i spajanja žica, uče se i osnove elektronike.
ENGLISH: At the threshold of Art and Medicine, the SPLICE Project presents a scientific gaze of the human body by showcasing historical anatomical art as both complemented and challenged bycontemporary artworks. The Extensions of Man – Prosthetics – Hacking the Body workshops cheap wedding invitations form an integral part of the SPLICE
Project aiming to investigate changing corporeal perceptions influenced by scientific, cheap wedding invitations social, political and cultural cheap wedding invitations interpretations. The workshop emphasizes physical, cognitive and societal issues of seniors.
DIY prosthetics found its way to a wider audience cheap wedding invitations in parallel with the increased development of 3D printing, Arduino microcontrollers, hands-on electronics, open source hardware and wearable technology in hackerspaces and makerspaces around the globe. Hence nowadays everyone cheap wedding invitations has the opportunity to make in their homes devices that might be pretty much helpful in their lives. Prosthetics, of course, belongs among the serious areas of medicine, science and technology. cheap wedding invitations But what happens when the DIY community joins these fields in order to invent similar things?At this workshop participants will learn how to make their own prosthesis from a simple glove by using Arduino, sensors, electronic circuits and programming and other materials affordable by the wider public. In order to make movable parts, participants will learn how an electronic circuit connected with sensors and motors creates a movable object using a micro-controller as a brain.Participation in practical activities such as soldering cheap wedding invitations and connecting wires will in addition present an opportunity to learn the basics of electronics.
More details: http://www.kontejner.org/nina-czegledy-and-radionaorg-english This entry was posted in radiona , radionica / workshop cheap wedding invitations and tagged diy prosthetics , extravagant bodies , extravagantna tijela , nina czegledy , prosthetics , radiona workshop on 02/10/2013 by radiona . Post navigation ← Radiona @ Practical Utopias Radionica cheap wedding invitations Marca Dusseillera Babygnusbuino – mini Arduino gadgeti →
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