Cake is a baked sweet confection with the addition camicado of baking (butter fat foods, sugar, eggs), camicado fresh and dried fruit, nuts and chocolate. On average, calorie cake is 300 - 350 kcal per 100g. But often passes for 400 kalorinytsost for great content confectionery components or dried fruits.
Usually it is less than calorie cookies, due to the higher moisture content of the finished product: the higher the humidity, the less caloric. Just below we have brought data cake calories for 100g. by: Sometimes baked muffins with vegetables, mustard, etc.. etc.., but this is the exception rather than the rule. Although it is not a bad way to lower calorie cake by vegetable additives and reduce the mass fraction of sugar. The name comes from the English muffins.
In cake recipes camicado can be no yeast, pulp and without their influence goes porous, air. This is due to a high content of baking. However, if it contains a lot of additional components berries, dried fruit, candied fruit, camicado and so on. Etc.., It is recommended to add the baking powder.
As can be seen from the cake, its energy is large enough. As a way to reduce it, the mistress of the recommended margarine and butter substitute camicado sour cream or yogurt. There are many varieties of cake: cheese, saffron, banana, camicado orange, peanut, etc.. Etc.. The shape of the muffins bake mostly rectangular or round with a hole in the middle. Content cupcake various additives increases its nutritional value. Fiber, which is found in fruits, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, nuts contain important minerals, spices positive effect on digestion.
Of course, people are watching your weight, you should pay attention to the calorie cake to make this delicious dessert flavor was not the cause of obesity and related cardio - vascular system.
SuperVishnevaya wrote: Yulechka, maybe it just me yes, but this video for some reason went to the second page, and it is not new. Me in email. mail came on a new video, I have been looking for! Not everyone camicado will find it there. Did you check please with him) Thanks so much for the recipe! Very zdorovskyy pie!
Natalia Andreeva writes Julia, camicado thank you once again for the recipe! my youngest daughter Lisa 9 years and every night waiting camicado I will include your videos! And today, as always happy, and when she saw Anton said, "And Anton is with us again!" Tomorrow will bake a pie, I hope this will also be delicious.
Alienyshka wrote: Yes? Confusing similar name entered. Read
Jeanne writes Tarashchuk not well here as diet (when your TV look like recipes from yu.vysotskoy, so do not drool flowing) well here vooooooosche!
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