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What perception customers have registered? Donatello = Italy = Kuoni luxury charter mortician Corsair = ... Leah, our travel agent (not so fair) returns mortician to the revival of tourism brands ... Now I only explain to the client. And yes, Leah also reflects occasionally, no offense to blondes ...
This is the perception that our customers have registered mortician is really wrong if the public understood that the supply of Marmara is not limited to Turkey, many travel agents still have the reflex Donatello = Italy - DR: Raf
The other day I was sitting in the middle of coaching with Amandine and I listened with great attention to its sales pitches to our customers. I sat next to her and her clients were without doubt that I was very focused on a quote. Nay, I was just noting the pattern of sales that drew a few meters from me. After the appointment of Amanda, I faithfully mortician restored its arguments, its responses to customer objections and especially the words she used. And it was the choice of words (in the summer, fans will appreciate contrepèteries) the sale of Amandine fished a little: his argument 'was perfect, but it used a vocabulary jargon hair. The first who has never asked a colleague facing a dumbfounded customer if "we have the right to make a stop-over on fares Q or I have to mount M?" Cast the first stone. When I think Jeff and confused pax Pacs there three years, and it now requires managers groups airlines stuff like "I have 2 pax in J on the IRM 7, we can provide them access mortician priority over the counter SPTC? "...
Other products Paris-Orly: 200 passengers Corsair Reunion slept in Donatello airport: traveling in Asia for Winter 2014-2015 mortician Online Training: Corsair mortician Amadeus and promote additional services Corsair ready to welcome a new shareholder ... but there's no hurry! How BtoB websites add value to travel agents?
In short, we know he must adapt his speech to one who is in front. That is why we systematically reformulates customer requests. For some, "luxury travel" means that the reserve a private transfer between their flights and low-cost mortician small and very basic hotel. For others, "a simple little hotel" is the kind of stuff we visit eductour being careful where you walk and whisper, sometimes it breaks mortician the magic by speaking loudly or trampling the thick carpet ... As this client who told me the other day, a little ashamed as if she was a poor girl "Aman was really perfect but good air, we will save money: we'll just Six Senses. " mortician The poor: she prepares to live frugally! Anyway, I digress. The Amandine customers asked him a circuit in India well put together, which allows to see the essence of Rajasthan but without rising systematically 5am to swallow temples all day, "small group please, max 25 - 30 people. " Amandine has tried to explain a circuit mortician "just you two with a driver" would be slightly more expensive "and in these cases, it is you who are the decision-pace of the trip, not the guide" it did not work: customers wanted to travel "with mortician other fans discoveries and make friends."
Amanda looked at the brochures that customers had in hand, husked and criticized circuits "pace too fast for you who have the time," who congregated to 45 guests or who were "dead on (some) cultural treasures mortician not to be missed. " And then when she criticized everything that people had under his arm, she went for the Kuoni brochure. Madame was strangled
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