Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cosmopolitan warface Jewelry Site bedroom house Bear house door hook spring wire design jeans kids blog Blog Archive rYtsepty of d_versija and cake
I have a poddruha d_versija, that awful cook, she wrote me recipes of my favorite foods. scrolls Now, I started to take pictures to show everyone. Meet the first batch of Thai vermyshelka and Palak Paneer-plus cake as a bonus. Cake found on the Internet, Darya-daughter really wanted to cook "Red Velvet" looketh transfer "War Cake". The style of recipes from d_versija author because I like it. Thai vermyshelka
nada: - rysovaya vermyshelka (type noodles) - Vegetables (cabbage molodaya / morkovka scrolls / spinach / Green onions / soevыe rostochky / and so on.) - eggs (one at portsyyu) - sousы - soevыy, ustrychnыy, Chile Field Hockey ñëàäîñòü / ostrotы and so on ., As someone bolshe love - filling - krabovыe stick / chicken / seafood / and so on. already hotovыe (boiled, zharenыe, whatever) - Oil rastytelnoe
process: 1) podhotovyt stuffing (bring chicken / seafood species sъedobnomu k) ili take hotovuyu porubat all Vegetables, Shuffle 2) vermyshelku Uploaded kypyatkom (in Outcome 5 Minutes) 3) Continue all hotovytstsa putem rezvoho peremeshyvanyya the maximum razohretoy pan, not bolshe Each mynutы on ynhrydyent: - Egg-type fires scrambled (not simultaneously delati bolshe 2x servings, and then tushytstsa Will not zharytstsa) scrolls - add toppings - slyt vermyshelky with water to the maximum, add vermyshelku - add sousы - add Vegetables - Dim else can be add sousov / spices and there
Palak Paneer-nada: - spinach (morozh. Ili svezhyy, better brother crayons porubanыy, Usually prodaetstsa in kartonnыh boxes bondyuэl) - onions - tomatoes - chesnok - oil for frying - La Spezia (There mix "yndyyskyy curry" If no, then separately pepper, ymbyr, cumin, Chile pepper, curry Traditional) - sыr adыheyskyy - ANY fat cream, 2 packs
process: 1) rastytelnom zharytstso sыr porubanыy butter into cubes, until golden Colour, otkladыvaetstsa on Plate 2) rubayutstsa bow / chesnok and co obzharyvayutstsa La Spezia 3) with tomato scrolls need it struck scrolls off the skin and crayons porubat (tomato without skin); skin easily snymaetstsa scrolls If obvaryt kypyatkom tomatoes, and a larger 4) add tomatoes in zazharku 5) Pour the spinach need it kypyatkom, sweat water in 5 Minutes slyt, If ostanetstsa scrolls kokoeto Quantity of water, not scary. something crayons porubat neporubanыy spinach, xs, better turn at once to find vsezh crayons spinach add to zazharku, potushyt mynutы June 3) add cream 7) potushyt mynutы August 3) add sыr 9) Close krыshkoy, potushyt 3 mynutы everything possible is. better with rice.
Red velvet cupcake These cupcakes in the style of Dolly Parton with bright pink icing shamelessly vulgar and absolutely compelling. Underlying vanilla cupcake with chocolate flavor, dark red hue - another South American classic - he became famous scrolls when he was elected as a wedding cake in the movie 1989 "Steel Magnolias"
140 grams of pancake flour 2 tbsp cocoa 1.2 h l soda 110 ml buttermilk or yogurt 1 liter of vinegar scrolls 2.1 liters h vanilla extract scrolls 1 tbsp red food coloring 60 g butter at room temperature 1 egg 170 hsahara
1 Preheat scrolls oven to 170 g C. Get form cake tins with paper. 2 In a large bowl mix whisk flour, cocoa, baking soda and a pinch of salt. In kuvshye mix buttermilk or yogurt, vinegar, vanilla and red coloring. 3 Beat butter with sugar in a beautiful mass. Add egg in nemnohu. 4 Mix the flour mixture one-third, half buttermilk, then another third of the flour, then buttermilk and other flour. 5 Divide the mixture between the tins. Bake 20 minutes, until the rise. Not peretrymayete them. Cool on a lattice. 6 To decorate smear cream on top and decorate with a cherry. scrolls
Secrets cooking cupcakes use paper molds, well rise to wider form, or muffins come too too broad raspolzutsya. Use eggs and butter at room temperature, the dough got easier. Turn every 12 minutes form or so if your oven bakes unevenly. If all else fails, buy a ready cupcakes scrolls and decorate scrolls them yourself.
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