Thursday, August 21, 2014

This is such a wonderful wedding cake to treat 120 people, consists of 3 layers, you can bake the w

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This is such a wonderful wedding cake to treat 120 people, consists of 3 layers, you can bake the wedding yourself! How? This will help a great book by Janice Merfitt Pikfort and Louise "How to decorate a cake," where are many recipes for making premise and decorating a variety of ways (not just the wedding) cake. We now potsikavymosya recipe cake decorations only one, namely that - quite the classic multilevel wedding cake, which colors (sugar fudge color champagne decoration in coffee color and ruffles from sugar fondant) if already not so unusual, but very elegant and very elegant. How to cook the ingredients for this cake detail with all the subtleties described in the first chapters of this book, we are - just decorate a wedding cake. Ingredients for 120 servings 3 rich fruit cake with a diameter premise of 25, 20 and 15 cm 120 ml (1.2 cup) apricot jelly 2.5 kg home or purchased white marzipan 3,25 kg sugar fondant, colored champagne 450 g (1.5 cups) royal icing 575 g petal fondant food coloring: color of old gold and dark brown jewelry 5 m belt champagne color 2 cm wide 2 champagne color ribbon width of 5 mm 4 m coffee-colored ribbon 1 cm 2 m wide belt coffee-colored 5mm 6-column supports color champagne vivid white or cream flowers 3 round tray with a diameter of 30, 25 and 20 cm kornetik with zhyronepronyknym (waxed) paper (kornetik - tube with parchment paper collapsed cone through which produce oil, cream with decoration of dishes) Simple attachment with the very narrow hole and a little more zhyronepronyknyy (waxed) paper clamping tongs 6 acrylic rods PREPARATION 1 Place each cake on the appropriate tray and brush with apricot jelly. Cover each cake marzipan. 2 Put sugar fondant 900 for processing trays, others apply an even layer on each cupcake, and start with the biggest. Put the boxes for the night in a warm dry place. Knead all ostavshuyusya fudge with scraps and cover the trays. Place the cakes on a tray and remove the boxes. 3 Prepare the royal icing and fondant petal slightly stain of food coloring in the color of old gold color sugar fondant. Half fill the royal icing kornetik, equipped premise with a simple nozzle not the narrow cut. Measure the stretches of wide band color champagne length and obtyahnit them every tray. 4 To make a stencil, measure strips zhyronepronyknym (waxed) paper the same width and length equal to the circumference of each cake. Mark the longest six equal parts, as follows - five, and very short - into four parts, each time making the bend. Fold along crease lines. Place a plate on each stencil to the edge at the top in the middle of the width. Circle the edge of the plate and cut the paper along the contour. 5 Turn each cupcake and appropriate stencil outline scallops nutritional markers or pin. Remove premise the stencil. Obtyahnit bottom edge of each cupcake

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