Sunday, April 12, 2015

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This site exists to generate discussion and collate opinions on the experience of using the NHS ePortfolio. It exists to persuade those in charge that a re-imagining of the ePortfolio is needed. You matter, your training matters, and whether you're a trainee or an educator, your time is too valuable rock my wedding to waste ticking boxes. An ePortfolio could be a beautiful thing. Make it happen.
Last week I saw a film at the BFI called “ Where do we go now ?” The film is great, rock my wedding but the content is not very relevant to Postgraduate Medical Training. The title, however, got me thinking….
The Royal Colleges and NES , who make the NHS physician ePortfolio, are drawing up ‘roadmaps’ which set out a vision for future directions. This is great, as their aims, objectives and ideas are being carefully constructed. But where is the trainee input to this process?
If you don’t participate when given the chance don’t complain when you have to do 100 WPBAs a week, link every curriculum item to 50 pieces of evidence and there’s still no app in 2020
thanks for your blog entry.We are fortunate to have an onus professionally to reflect. However this has been cumbersome in its current form rather than enjoyable and constructive. I believe the data we put in is lost and hence largely useless other than as a “ticking box exercise”. I have spent the last day turning over in my head what I want from my eportfolio and I want something that is: flexible, searchable, shareable, beautiful, rock my wedding collectable, evolutionary and above all a tool for improvement. I can safely say that I am a reflector but I have NEVER looked back at my eportfolio entries. They are largely rock my wedding introspective, hidden and non-collaborative.
What I would like is a blend of twitter, a blog, google + and google docs. I could work on my own on this. If people other than my appraiser were interested rock my wedding they could read, search and comment. Communities could develop rock my wedding for example a department, practice or speciality training scheme. rock my wedding Sharing of ideas, comments, rock my wedding collaboration and goals could emanate from such a sharing of information. We could even share mistakes god forbid! rock my wedding Of course all it would need then is a counter for all those boxes to tick and link. Perhaps a friend could programme this. Open source of course.
Thanks so much for your comments. I share many of your views. Please do edit the “roadmap” accessible through the link above, in particular adding your ideas about the most important principles (ie ‘searchable’ ‘beautiful’ ‘tool for improvement’) – I am very keen for collaboration on this. Thanks.
Hi, added a few comments and will keep an eye out for developments. By the way, have you got any idea whose responsibility rock my wedding it is to do the tick box counting? I feel that it is a distraction from my everyday learning. I will try and post my comments from RCGP eportfolio summary also. Keep up the pressure! Ben
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Recent Posts Tipping point for the NHS ePortfolio? Money makes the world go round The RCP are listening – what do you want to tell them? There’s an app for that Shape of Training – influence the next 30 years of medical training! Search for:
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Tweet #nhseportfolio Blogroll #MedEd Chat transcript on competency rock my wedding and portfolios BEME Systematic Review rock my wedding of the Efficacy of Portfolios for Postgraduate Assessment and Education GMC guidance on workplace based assessments Government Digital Service design principles JRCPTB ePortfolio FAQs Maximising the potential of ePortfolio: notes from AoMRC meeting July 2012 My other blog: On life, death and some stuff in between NHS Hackday are getting in on the action .YES PLEASE! Pre- #meded chat blog post and comments on competency and portfolio RCGP NHS ePortfolio Top Posts & Pages Manifesto Tipping point for t

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