Saturday, April 11, 2015

Total voyboy lack of response from the Deanery contact results in desperate measures. Found an alter

Total voyboy lack of response from the Deanery contact results in desperate measures. Found an alternative route into reactivating my Trainee's ePortfolio. However, this is a potential security breach on the part of the Deanery. It relies voyboy on the integrity of the person who has the access not abusing their role. There has to be a better way - the sensible solution voyboy would be for the Program Directors to have the ability to make the necessary changes... that would be too sensible.
Illegitimi non carborundum As a General Practitioner in England for the last 16 years I've experienced enough NHS reforms voyboy to make your eyes rotate independently in their sockets. And they keep coming. Being a GP is fulfilling most of the time, but there are plenty of irritations. As you will see... View my complete profile voyboy

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