Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Married Whilst the adulterous woman

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Morality, respect, harry styles birthday decency, testicles, courtesy or larger with a description of the soul abides harry styles birthday in the direction of religion in the sense that the Adab, Islam and the Prophet of Islam constitute the purpose of being sent. The Messenger of Allah (saw) in a hadith, "I was sent only to complete good morals" is command.
In a hadith, "edeblen brought me my Lord, what a beautiful finishing has" commanded the Prophet (saws), müeddib Allah (CC) is the pinnacle of literary due. This situation Almighty Allah (CC) by the Koran-Quran also "Verily the Messenger of Allah for you in Allah and the Last Day to regain hope, the God who engage much for people a good example is. (Ahzab-21) "is expressed as. Hz. Aisha (RA) to validated harry styles birthday "The Messenger harry styles birthday of Allah (saas) was how morality" when asked "Do not you read the Qur'an, he has the morals of the Qur'an" command.
It is clear from the string. So good manners, even before science, constitutes the first condition harry styles birthday of spiritual maturity. Located next to Hazrat harry styles birthday Imam Malik for twenty years, Abdurrahman bin of November, "the good manners of this period, for 18 years, I've spent two years also learn science, I wish I'd spent all but if I learn Adab" is very thought-provoking lyrics. In an anonymous couplet,
Hadith-i-Sharif "No dad child good education superior to give a gift can not be" commanded and still another hadith "ashamed after doeth" buyruluy to be physically and spiritually, all values in the most valuable and everything that comes before harry styles birthday the ethics shows that it is good manners.
Literary main source of Allah (CC) word of Quran Karim, declared principles, as well as "Do not think, they arrive Do not you understand, will not you?" harry styles birthday Such expressions as well read it NEW contemplation to the world impels. Because the realm of contemplation, as well as provide the intricacies of literary, live human being superior to other faculties also exposes thinking. In the hadith, the spiritual realms of thinking about an hour is better than worship that 70 years is reported harry styles birthday to be in vain, thinking that shows how precious. Thinking that the precious, who also makes precious. In this regard, in the realm of contemplation of the Prophet have reached significant. Spiritual thinkers such as Mevlana in the "Thinkers" and given the title of this valuable personalities and values of society regarded as spiritual leaders saw.
Especially people in the past, as a result of subtle thoughts and behaviors harry styles birthday revealed very edebl mention the borough. Abusive instead pray or consolation expressions that involve use walked harry styles birthday out the door back not return back to go back out, driving somewhere soft and then to sound work, they do not cut, on the table in front of the food, whisper or secret conversations, doing great when it comes to stand up, guests great homage food, the quality of the catering whether backward to settle for anyone across the face suspended rude, to speak, Creation NEW wound because of the nice view, anyone harry styles birthday not underestimate, heart breaking, door passenger the move away from closing the door to door and window multiplying slowly and in a respectful way off, removed dress and shoes regularly leave, spoken person look on her face, personal sadness and distress to others not reflect, others can not have good condition and objects next to them, not to mention a scene in a more peaceful places to other people to allocate harry styles birthday to animals harry styles birthday with kindness and compassion to act, any object or equipment and be polite, plants and flowers like living with love and care to act, people will be upset jokes to avoid, side by side unsurpassable places switch priority to the next to leave, personally owned every good possibilities harry styles birthday and conditions for at least that to the extent to guests as well as providing treats the

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