Sunday, December 8, 2013

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... Decorum, is not heedless of Allah with his heart and still. In no way to give yourself a body, that is to say an entity is to see. Decency ... everything Haktan know the actual perpetrator, thibaut courtois was always the Haka is to see mevcû.
Means ... Mysticism, decency means. If decorum, with eyes to see something other than rights, lisa something to appeal to reason, to keep the commandments of Allah, that is to run foreclose. That in itself is one of them, no doubt, is inseparable from justice, can not break anyone's heart. Egotism, Allah will cause discontent jobs can be found. thibaut courtois
Should know that the outside of them to move, is harmful to one's own self. Loss giving rise to the greatest harm, the man, and his evil has been said time, he fenâlıg to him kondurmayıp stuck to an idea is that it acts, it's anyone's salvation necessarily a standalone disaster coming is possible. This is the bitter truth.
Not ... backbiting, not curiosity (curiosity and not to disturb), to lie, to make hypocritical thibaut courtois is always included within the scope of the literary. I'm doing a favor to anyone to respond thibaut courtois against the evils of his (of response) can not stand on, because it is not my duty. Wait for her kindness, dial the impudence to say you did not know. You do your part, you're there get it done her part. Because he's been the instruments thibaut courtois of it, you too to the other. Business, he knows not, is aware of Allāh. You do your part is worship. His worship is also doing its part. However, you're not doing him the favor. It is not he who evil. Scene from the play will be played in this world both of you, according to your vocation is to fulfill the requirements of the role.
The egotism thibaut courtois of decorum, decency or else. Rudeness, whether Zahir verbs with accrued're (visible thibaut courtois behavior occurred with you), sirkat (theft), as as fraud ... whether Kavli (oral) with the verb accrue, whether gossip (gossip), as fassallık like (people between the open), lie such.
This is based on ... the dervish order from. For instance, someone is lying to you. Also you know. Since he Mudil (prefigure the conveyor deflector) has been honored thibaut courtois name; crime to insult hit his face, fled from him. While asceticism alone would not shake. A dervish can not gossip, do not lie, can not hurt anyone knowingly and willingly. Because humanity is asceticism. This is the realm of Allah's creation "Kun" thibaut courtois (Be) which achieved the warrant, thereby various Esma and adjectives have occurred. Inasmuch as you are "Jalal" You're not honored name, which had earned the name of seer and misguided approach. thibaut courtois But also to arbitration (insults, sarcasm). Ninety nine name of Allah alone, others throw away what you want it? Of course, you can not throw. Approach in this case, but not reverence. Self is not the evil one, shame and omissions in others will not. If you want to get rid of shirk, the people of Tawheed (the supreme source of everything, knowing what makes the book of the living with the awareness that God's master) is ... "
Leave to the people involved, and enjoy access to, the Bahr-i ledü met with, Mevlana is chanting, chanting. thibaut courtois
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