Monday, December 30, 2013

Aalerahh ... I feel like a lamb that has been removed from my shoulders

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And the darkness of the night brushing our way ..
Only and without any words Amber moved in front of it after it fired a sigh light to reduce the tension-hit ..
Aalerahh ... I feel like a lamb that has been removed from my shoulders
Ceyhun interrupted by a stretching his lips: for the order .. Because of those Cqan .. Aomrani and they make me do what I hate .. (lifting the bag full of hand purposes) see see .. You have made me buy them snacks birthday cake ideas so Eetmtaa watching movies with each ..
Over the two days quickly .. Without any events occur ..
I looked to the morning, Sara: not carrying my phone?
But today was different .. Was sitting whereabouts without wearing a hat that hides his face, and without wearing glasses .. It looks beautiful short-haired and black clothes * s * design. Suffered greatly chooses a uniform that Used deadline! .. Cased between his clothes carefully birthday cake ideas .. To that found black jeans and a black jacket also simple scene .. Did not want to be a very remarkable shape ..
After Artur and rested .. Calmed the atmosphere between them and each and every one of them staring somewhere
Amber stuttered a thinking: Ammmm in America .. They meet in a cafe or restaurant eating and chatting .. Ammmm then go to the cinema or walking and lounging in the parks with each other and watching the fireworks at night .. Or to go home and stay together to watch the movie or play electronic games. Ammmmm doing many things
Chanted denouncing birthday cake ideas Amber: Who told you that!! birthday cake ideas .. My girlfriend is telling me so .. (paused for a bit, then slowly completed and embarrassment began to coat her face) Um actually .. It is the first appointment with me too .. There I was not getting a request for dating because of my style childish
Will think that I annoy ..
I heard spoons and saucers and Come placed .. Verdjat brochure for the place .. And went to the kitchen to see Chris and he holds a piece of steak and put it in the dish and put the eggs and put his side cut french fries .. The dish was apparently delicious ..
We sat quietly in the lounge .. The atmosphere became confusing right ..
I feel hungry ..
I wish I could be Albart has won the admiration .. What will happen to Chris and Amber in Muadhm? * Aketbo wich And who Hapinh get them * the atmosphere What will happen to him what role Ceyhun be occupied by upcoming events password .. You will save and remain secret forever?
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I feel that criss Baqubl birthday cake ideas Amber and necessary Amber her heart beats for Chris and start loving >>>> Mo chosen grabbing it needed birthday cake ideas like Chris if I place the Anabelt for I am with him the date is important to go back to the above felt Crystal Btga of America and Betheb Lohan or Ceyhun Abe know u story of Joe tried I imagine the reason to commit suicide and Khalah Soho vacate the seat, but Makedrt cerebellar Moldy B is located Ceyhun love Amber
Mmmm I want to love Chris and Amber Crystal with Lohan the atmosphere Baserlo Shi retrieved memory trace Mmmm role Ceyhun Mola and God Mande ideas at all important birthday cake ideas Oni Albart ŃćććććÚÉ Belize birthday cake ideas Belize is not linear metal every time Belize Try Tnzleh quickly Vaatng
Aowonnnnnnnni Kommawo Yoo and God Hamas Hamas beautiful Amber and Chris, and with some clear and Hesmh Albart pooped in it and I really appreciate your trouble as well as my Lord and you are happy to help you and easier for you and I hope you Mattachrin Balbart gay Noomu Kumaowio dear
And Aaaaaaaaaaaaao Vojnini Aavtah Mcnch imagined Albart Keda sincere, but Les I sense Albart Short Haha amicably even if Nhia novel Hcol it small ... Oni Belize Mttakheris download Albart "supple Terje" means hard I seriously birthday cake ideas Mbakdarsh Asthml Ktter death of enthusiasm birthday cake ideas Work A mesh knowing a word seriously who I am easily obtainable de * ^ * um hard I'm knowing that you Ptketbi Albart first go and have university and busy, but means even if BART every week normal even a small plain and Ante Colta conjure brought rid ... means, but to some extent get rid seriously Oni Law Bass Qadta day Tketbi quarter of an hour at the end of the week Hikon Bart ... but I do not know I'm important writer downright mean you Ptani Lage for Bart who say mean ******* A beautiful a beautiful, but er de Mcnch expect birthday cake ideas Amber and Chris Hikonoa Keda Hcol reasons and what will happen to Chris and Amber In Muadhm? * Aketbo wich And who Hapinh get them * Um No, but seconds Amber then schizophrenia I mean huh de Chris who almost hit her in the first novel means you got comfort him Ooi Keda What do not fiddle means Mbakch Ptkhav him not to say it at home means were imposed rejects means A GIRL DVD of her love Violin I originally you Vala it Htuaq Ashan know what happened to her brother and know the truth, but because birthday cake ideas Talaat Aayza exploited needs. Also seriously this girl I adore, I originally ČÚÔŢ Crespr and Mjabiah strongly Bashgahm two Alatnen as long as you all need cattle unlike my expectations Fa

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