Wednesday, November 27, 2013

- My parents have 5 acres of land (2.5 hectares). The house was six of us. Poverty was terrible. My

Studziany Forest - Stanisław Olszewski: Music north-eastern Polish - Funeral songs
Mr. Stanisław Olszewski over twenty years he was a gamekeeper in forestry Pogorzelec. In addition, together faire part with his brother created, assumed the traditional band, which was invited to the wedding, faire part fun and "papuciówki" (dances in private homes).
Mr. Stanisław Olszewski over twenty years he was a gamekeeper in forestry Pogorzelec. In addition, together with his brother created, assumed the traditional band, which was invited to the wedding, fun and "papuciówki" (dances in private homes). Irena Olszewska dealt with traditional handicrafts, lace, she wove carpets, embroidered.
- My parents have 5 acres of land (2.5 hectares). The house was six of us. Poverty was terrible. My father worked in the woods, supplementing his pottery. The work was hard, there were no machines, used a hand-held saws and axes. In those days, people had to be self-sufficient, women themselves wove, sewed clothes, almost every cultivated hemp.
Before the war, many people were involved in product clay pots and łachaniek (earthenware dishes for baking). Dishes woziło the markets to cities, faire part or sold in the area. A neighbor taught neighbor. My father learned the art of Jurgielewicz, it was spec - the best potter in the village.
The good cop out of it imported Pogorzelec, without sand, sticky, the red "glia". Then she had a few weeks to lie to "sour" - crude was not suitable for the dish. What a time it had to be poprzewracać spade and pour water.
Then he was preparing "dziarno". Took the crushed, burned, cracked stones of stoneware in the bath. You had to rub them on a flat broad stone, on a very small pieces. A special hammer or other stone. Then przesiewało through a fine sieve and it was just dziarno. Without dziarna nothing to with the raw clay did not. You had to be careful not to hit the limestone, because then the firing faire part vessel through a cracked and tore up. All works by making the apartment. Cop put an at large tarp on the floor and had it thoroughly. It was getting it bare feet. With clay being formed mound, on top sypało the dziarno and accurately wyrabiało, so that this "cake" is not kleiło to your hands. We as children did with this toy, this pony is a dog ...
Ah! What a delicious were the "stomachs" (pancakes) with so beaten lentils - with skwareczkami, with bacon it was a delicacy. In łachańkach did a great grandmothers potatoes and yeast rolls. Now the grandmother is not such that taste does not have ...
As already formed vessel, it had to be dry on the stove, and when dry burn. Each potter faire part had a home oven, but not so simple bread as now, only bigger - made of clay. In such a furnace to burn for vessels up to red, then take out to them with special handles. And it's not the end ...
In the kit rozrabiało the fortitude, preparing it with rye flour and water, faire part it was the sourdough similar to what it was getting to the soup, or bread. It's a very interesting look, red hot dish moczyło in Hart, and immediately faire part walked across the kitchen couple, placed the dish back into the oven and then it was getting czarniusieńkie. As soon as I went black take out of the oven, I remember that when ringing like a bell.
From 1963 to 1988 I was a gamekeeper. My forestry (Pogorzelec) had about 1,500 hectares, which was assumed in the 3-4 foundations, each stroma after 3-3.5 ha. You can imagine how this wood emigrated here. Then all you had to reforest, mostly zalesialiśmy sowing, and not, as now seedlings. Later, weeding, foresters - have a lot of work in this area.
The work was much heavier than today, because everything was cut with hand saws such high stumps were left, not like now, flush with the ground. Now, I like the fact that such a small stumps remain, faire part it is more labor intensive, but the forest is different. faire part More now about forest care.
There were big problems to all the waste from the stroma clean up, used chemicals, it was a terrible stupidity. Sometimes even people with this kornikolem przytruwali, is a nasty poison. Grass, moss was wysmalona and the stench is carried through the forest.
Our village to the sixties years, the whole was wooden, and only then began to appear brick buildings. At the beginning of us (Studzianym Forest) not chip was detected, before the war, I remember that most of the buildings had roofs of straw and shingle.
From shakes the whole story .... The woods chose a suitable tree, the wood had to be "sprout" (had to be easy to split along the grain). Trees jams at odziomku (near the trunk) to select the good ones that have straight fibers good for shingles. As it was in the woods that you could see a lot of such pokaleczonych trees. Chosen mainly pine

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