All Souls' Day and the following day is a time of intense prayer for all the faithful departed. This prayer for centuries was maintained bat mitzvah in the masses of Christian bat mitzvah devotional song. Funeral, and all the dying, was associated with a rich rituals, like the subsequent remembrance of the dead and pray for the souls in purgatory. Kultywujmy these traditions today, bat mitzvah traditional Catholicism is not only the rite of the Mass and the liturgical calendar, but also the duration of the entire treasury of traditional expressions of piety, sent to us by our grandfathers and fathers.
We recall an interview with Adam on a permanent relationship of faith with the traditional liturgy and devotion and singing pious. It appeared on the portal and publish it with the consent of the editor. Heaven bat mitzvah is populated Polish peasants
Marcel Pérès told me that the destruction of piety in France in the context of changes okołosoborowych led to that belief has survived only in big cities, in areas of intelligence and the bourgeoisie, and the whole province became a desert religion. At the same time it is of the opinion that Poland has retained piety and singing traditional, and therefore the Christian faith survived. Meanwhile, we say that the situation is very bad. What really is in your opinion, the state of traditional singing and piety in our country?
- As traditional singing bat mitzvah is tragic, but it does not coincide with the state of piety. In Poland there is a high percentage of pious people and they belong to all social strata, there is no stratification by Marcel Peres said. So, in the words of the Jesuit Charles bat mitzvah Antoniewicz, the author of the song Praise the meadow umajone, "the sky is populated Polish peasants." Something's up. Without a doubt, piety nourished by the pious song. In the introduction to the uninitiated Siedlecki is a statement that no damage to the piety of the Polish people can not deprive these songs. Reforms undoubtedly harmed not only the reality of the Church, but also the culture of the once Catholic nations. The church was the place where he developed tastes, from music Catholic bat mitzvah rites resulted musical nations baptized in the Catholic Church, and in a moment it suddenly turned bat mitzvah out that the Church can not be appealed, because she got the tragic change. We also see the reverse inculturation: ape patterns nations bat mitzvah later baptized, which not only methodologically, but also at the level of spirit is pointless.
- Definitely, we even religious rules, where singing is prohibited, in any case, shared singing. I'm talking for example bat mitzvah about kamedułach Crown Mountain, bat mitzvah who do not practice singing. This is a certain wisdom, because if you get to the chorus of religious bat mitzvah confrere who falsifies terribly, and we have it for 50 years listening to, then we are ready to murder him in the end. By order of silence and non-singing this danger has been eliminated.
- Do not. Perhaps what I say is not rallying, but I can not estimate how piety is as far as she is alive. In addition bat mitzvah to the expression of an individual it is also exuberant forms of common life. Undoubtedly, the reform of the liturgical calendar, the devastation of the Mass and the introduction of the Novus Ordo Missae not serve the development of piety. But at the same time, given what I saw in the West and the East (because the church is not filled to the brim), Polish religiosity actually still shows up impressively.
- Singing is characteristic of the species, ie birds, insects, and finally the human herd sing. This is one. But there is also such a level that singing is a solemn form of speech. So singing combines these two features. They are an expression of piety, while her feed. I noticed that among the old singers was a huge fondness for services today have abandoned, especially Vespers. Indeed, this does not apply only ethnosu Polish folk, but also includes intelligence. People did not used to godliness, quoting scripture, quote Uncle, possibly a converted Kochanowski by Karpinski. These tropes we find everywhere; Vespers cite people far from the church, such as Milosz, similar bat mitzvah information found in Miron, as well as other contemporary bat mitzvah Polish writers, because I gather that devotional singing is very important not only for the faith, but also for culture. Conciliar bat mitzvah changes were also poorly received by people outside the Church recall the famous letter, which was signed by, among others, Agatha Christie and Yehudi Menuhin. bat mitzvah
Anyone who begins to learn the traditional songs, notes, above all, their wonderful staropolszczyznę. They allow you to get in contact with our ancestors, with some areas of our culture. What keeps repertoire of old church hymns how he created?
- If sampling either to an anthology of Polish Renaissance and Baroque periods, it turns out that in the case of Polish devotional songs, called. traditional, we are dealing with a flower literature t