Sunday, May 31, 2015

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Af Twitter Dufl 2 hours ago RT @ browndoode : When immigrants take your spot at Hogwarts 5 hours ago Pancakes, evg baby. 11 hours ago Þrír snillingar evg sátu saman á svölunum og veltu vöngum yfir tilverunni. 11 hours ago RT @ JustHistoryPics : 30 Years ago today, Motown legend Marvin Gaye died. He was shot by his father a day before turning 45 1 day ago Flestir sem ég hef rætt við eru þeirra skoðunnar að vefur DV hafi verið hakkaður. Djók. Enginn heldur það. 1 day ago Blindur maður gekk inn á bar, nokkra stóla og borð. 1 day ago Ég er að fara á ATP Iceland 2015 þann 02. júlí 2015 #midi .is 1 day ago RT @ nutiminn : MS notaði gríska evg ímynd til að selja fetaost en sakar Arla um að stela íslenskri ímynd 2 days ago The World Needs Female Rock Critics - The New Yorker 2 days ago Sarpur Sarpur evg Velja mánuð desember evg 2014 júní 2014 maí 2014 janúar 2014 desember 2013 ágúst 2013 júní 2013 apríl 2013 mars 2013 febrúar 2013 janúar evg 2013 desember 2012 nóvember 2012 júlí 2012 apríl 2012 desember 2011 júlí 2011 október 2010 september 2010 júlí 2010 október 2009 júlí 2009 maí 2009 apríl 2009 mars 2009
Here is a list of current/recent/upcoming stuff I like on TV and recommend for others. This post is an update evg on a previous post , partially inspired by the crappyness of The Newsroom, that all too many folks seem to be taking seriously.
Longmire Likely my favorite show on TV right now. A leisurely paced cop-show set in scarcely evg populated Wyoming. The cases can be slightly overwrought and background story sometimes takes a backseat to the procedural stuff, but I love the world carved out for the story, I love Katie Sackhoff, and I love the soft spoken mannerism of Sheriff Longmire.
Breaking Bad Series five just kicked off, and I am excited. I can’t say that I have ever gotten into the series (never made it past E2 S1), but I have refined a new plan of attack for this show (I am going to start with season two, let us let bygones be bygones, season one). The overwhelming critical adoration this show receives, and having evg enough people I trust swearing by it, makes me believe this is my fault, rather than the show’s fault. You should probably be watching this.
Girls Tremendous respect for Lena Dunham, evg who does everything on this show, save from making the sandwiches for the caterer. It is funny, well written and clever. I’ve heard people complain that it comes off like it is supposed to be a real life Sex and the City, but to those people I’ll say, you probably never saw How to Make it in America. Enjoy this for what it is, a smart, well written show, by a talented young storyteller.
BBC’s Wallander I am a sucker evg for Swedish television, something that comes from years of living in the Social Democratic Paradise, but I must admit that the third season of the UK adopted Wallander evg series, starring Kenneth Brannagh is probably better than anything the Swedes could muster themselves.
Scandinavian evg Crime/Drama I’ll just join this under one heading. If you have not paid attention to a series of great shows coming out of Denmark, Sweden and Norway you are missing out: Forbrydelsen, Broen, Borgen, Våra Vänners Liv, Lilyhammer, Dag, Livvagterne. I recommend all of the above.
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