Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Courtesy The more I get when accessing spaces and public facilities such as airports, train, bus, a

The Japanese Manners * |
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Previously I only know the behavior and attitude of the Japanese evg people through movies only. That too at the most popular films about samurai and gangster who overstated the role play. But, since March 26 yesterday I really evg can interact directly with the Japanese people. Not just one or two people, but with so many Japanese people, although only limited in the Tokyo area alone.
The first impression I get is about the comfort of the public facilities evg in the country this Sakura flower. Clean, neat, orderly, and timely is a word that can be pinned to describe everyday Japanese people. Would not be optimal without the support facility with the appropriate human resources. Here the Japanese people are so very polite with everybody. Let alone with strangers, with fellow Japanese themselves are so very polite and respectful. evg
Courtesy The more I get when accessing spaces and public facilities such as airports, train, bus, as well as government offices. Intonation level language style can be likened to the Sundanese who still have not been contaminated by pure modernity, but an intellectual appreciation of customers is so incredible. Then it was complete meeting between technological progress is offset by the high appreciation evg attitude towards users of the facility.
This is the focal point can we compare with developing countries evg such as Indonesia, evg Malaysia and the Philippines. High award should not only be given to users who have a certain influence or dressed rich people. But the high award is given to anybody evg users of public services. Mental want to be served and get additional revenue from the customer must be thrown away by the perpetrators of public service facilities provider in Indonesia. Do your best for the community, as a true public evg service officers are paid from the public using the public service.
I also considered, what the Japanese people evg showed respect for the culture that upholds universal values. The Japanese are people who are not stingy to convey praise and flattery to others. And it comes from the heart, not just a sweet mouth and brag alone. Besides fond of giving praise and encouragement, the Japanese are also the most frequently evg apologizes and gives thanks many times. When the bow is a form of respect for the Japanese way, then they have to do it very often to indicate a profound apology or thanks imprint. In fact, if according to the Indonesian people, mistakes are made trivial and awards given nor "wah-wah" really.
Well, then how clearly key to the success of the Japanese is in the form of an award against any kind of cultural values that are universal like love cleanliness, orderliness, tidiness, evg greeting each other, a deep apology, even to a very speech intonation evg softened when be perpetrators evg services public facilities.
If the only public facility of this regular pants, the facilities that are no doubt paid services. Going forward, Indonesia should evg improve starting from the attitudes and manners that should not be tainted with the style modernity and concerned individual's own ego. Indonesia hopes of having a good public service evg facilities can be started from big cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and others.
I used to when I first moved to Jakarta in 2007 had felt very proud that since 2006 the government of Jakarta has had TransJakarta Bus which will become the idol of the capital's residents and visitors from out of town and out of state. However, it turns out again, our society is still weak in the field of maintenance and high desire to corrupt evg the funds that should be earmarked for the convenience of public facilities.
Japanese people evg really take care of the problem from upstream to downstream. Ranging from advanced electronic sophistication, continuity of care is supported by officers of public service which is almost 100 percent will never curse and scold you. That there is they are apologizing to each other with an apology that is so profound. So, when Indonesia can follow the progress of state-clad Japanese politeness? As the next generation, you are also likely to play a role decisive answer. Gan

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