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Footnote: Hilyatul Saints' 6/330, by Abu Nu'aim. Al-Jaami 'li birthday cake images wa Adaabis Akhlaaqir Raawi Saami' 1/79, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi. Iqtidha'ul 'al-Ilmi'amal page 170, by al-Khatib al-Baghdadi. Al-Adab Al-Syar'iyyah 3/552, Ibn Muflih. Tanwirul Hawalik Syarh al-Muwatta 'of Imam Malik lil page 164, by as-Suyuti. birthday cake images Min Hadyis Salaf Thalabil FII 'Ilmi page 23. Min Hadyis birthday cake images Salaf Thalabil FII' Ilmi page 23. Al-Jaami 'li wa Adaabis Akhlaaqir Raawi Saami' (I / 142).
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