Saturday, January 3, 2015

I felt so lucky to have another chance, and I sensed it was crucial to enjoy and make the most out o

Bye, bye, baby : Ottawa Parenting Times Magazine
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As my youngest child enters full-day kindergarten, hits up birthday parties galore and masters wedding night the art of printing, I m faced with the cold realization wedding night that the baby and toddler years are behind me, this time for good.
It s as if, with the flick of a switch, my baby, the youngest of three, has entered a whole new stage, which I suppose she has. She s a school aged child ; not a toddler, not a baby. And it s surreal.
But when she was born, I was happy to hit the pause button on my frantic life and focus intensely on mothering a newborn: breastfeeding, making food from scratch, and getting to experience, once again, those delicious days of nurturing an infant and the pure glee of playing and discovering with a bouncing, exuberant toddler.
I felt so lucky to have another chance, and I sensed it was crucial to enjoy and make the most out of every moment with this new, final baby and I did. But somehow, the time still flew by way too quickly.
She started wedding night school this September, and I marked the occasion by Instagramming an old photo of us, when she was about three months old. I captioned the photo: She started junior kindergarten today, and while I m proud and all, I really miss the days when we had nothing to do but hang out together all day. I added the hashtag #wistful.
To commemorate Chloe s fourth birthday, I Instagrammed another old photo, this one of her in hospital, shortly after her birth. She was wearing wedding night the sweetest little green hat, her first hat ever. But there, I m choking up again.
At the still-tender age of four, Chloe is more fun than ever: she s smart, sassy, adorable, sensitive and kind, possessing pretty much all the great qualities I hoped for. She s turned wedding night out wonderfully and I m still in awe as I watch her hit a range of new milestones. They ve just come alarmingly quickly.
I m so grateful for the last go-round with the baby stage, and I am definitely wedding night in a kind of mourning for those precious days. I m sure there are a variety of reasons for this that involve not only Chloe s rapid development, but my own neuroses as well, not least that the end of baby-making is a super strong marker of the aging process, and of course, a reminder of the cycle of life.
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