Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Percy Bysshe Shelley - Exchange of right up

In Victorian times people are doekivali sparklers New Year as well as the people today. sparklers Prireivale have fun, balls, luxurious evening and joyful dances and ladies were ureivale to act is beautiful. Jo month ago naruivale balls were dresses from famous designers, such as Charles Worth, and later his son Jean-Philippe.
First haljiina is made of silk and tulle and dates from the 1855th year. Now already know that my very dear dresses from the era of crinolines and I so loved this at first glance. The neutral color and rather simple, but the black borders are brought breath of glamor in this ball wedding dress. An interesting and plenty of all-wheel circuit in petticoats with nadsuknjom ukraenom V-neck. sparklers This combination is typical for veernje dresses this season and I like the ba because it had done the dress interesting without too much detail.
Suivant dress is much more glamorous and appropriate for supper or receiving guests, it is certainly too closed to be veernja or ball wedding dress. The 1878th It was created by Charles Worth. Like all of its democracy, and this is a simple cut, but rich fabrics exported sparkles, beads and shiny thread. Consider just this wonderful detail; ipkasti sparklers collar, sleeves and bust sumptuous embroidered sequins. The skirt of red baron further ukraena sparklers Ruić embroidered with silver and black thread. Dark colors are right hint of fashion 1880.ih.
Treu dress created by Jean-Philippe Worth 1898th year and although they appear indications Edwardian fashion, this dress intervals, ensure perfect example of fashion 1890.ih who hugged strong and dark and shiny, sumptuous detail. This ball wedding dress entirely governed sparkles ruiaste colors and a blank section of black baron show motive sparklers roses. Rose Hip sleeve sparklers detail is typical for the next decade sparklers and is the exact opposite appetite and sumptuous feel of the rest of the dress.
Suivant dresses sparklers and separates with adherent year and creators, but differs jednostavnoui minimal decoration. Made of black silk, this dress ukraena Art nouveau details of the baron. With a long dash, interesting detail of this dress are sleeves or straps that are very narrow, unlike the rest of the dress of the period. Jean-Philippe is thus likely referred to the veernje 1880.ih dresses that are so often have tight sleeves.
Suivant sparklers dress, although from in 1899. year, I act rather modern for its decoration. The dress is made of off-white silk and is completely covered with a thin transparent fabric red glare. Sparkling details are exported in the form of Tokic branches or floral motifs - Art Nouveau in the form of dresses. This dress does just magical, and the formula is rather simple - simple silk dresses sparklers covered with another layer of fabric arranged sparkles.
As below dresses from 1906. year, attracted me because of its color - beautiful blue night. Although the silhouette sparklers is typical silhouette Edwardian fashion all the details indicate the influence of Orientalism which officially occurs only three years later. sparklers These details, which are just and responsible sparklers for the beauty and magic of these dresses are, apart from the color motif of butterflies and sumptuous ukraen bodice, sleeves prozirnkaste of glittering sparklers fabric that sparkles like a waterfall dropping by dress up to the edge where they continue to river tee glitter on blue fabric.
And eer end, beautiful and classical Edwardian dress from 1906. year. As yet another in a series of creations of fashion houses Worth veernju this dress is a beautiful, absolutely beautiful shimmering fabric and long dashes, also sumptuous regulated. The most beautiful part of my sleeve; lepravi, volumiozni and also full of sparkles and low black beads that ukraavaju back.
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I petnaestogodinja Fashion Zamorica that loved by the history of fashion. I write this blog in order to help Doar elegance sparklers and interesting era of Gone with the wind. From now on my blog Moet read and Fashion guinea pig
Louis XIV. said "la mode, frequent le Miroir de lhistoire" -'' Fashion is a mirror of history.'' There is a pleasure in the pathless woods - Lord Byron There is a pleasure sparklers in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less, but Nature Sea. Voltaire'' Prejudices are the kings of the crowd.''
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Exchange of right up

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