Sunday, March 29, 2015

Okay, maybe a little too hasty. Because we all do sometimes bad buys and we all get sometimes items

In the Netherlands is discarded each year more than 200 million pounds of textiles. A quarter bridal of this is recycled or donated to charity projects. 150 million bridal pounds so disappears directly into the trash.
Just a quick math. Netherlands has about 16.696 million people. Per person so we throw every year laughing almost 9 pounds of textile away. Although ... .lachend ... frankly I find this kind of figures to whine.
So logical, but something we crazy enough so often do. To generalize but a moment bridal quite: we buy to buy, stow our wardrobe packed with clothes, wear but 1/4 of this and get somewhere to the point that we think: I have to clean my wardrobe. And then ... then we take a role garbage bags, cram at least one garbage bag full of clothes and throw them in the bin. Thus, tidy nice weather, an organized wardrobe and a satisfied feeling.
But do you feel you still so smug if you think about it that you have just thrown a garbage bag full of useful substance? That you garbage bridal bag (with contents that you may have cost a few hundred dollars) ends up somewhere in a landfill? All the raw materials used to make you clothes (including bridal chemical paint used), labor (sometimes under poor conditions), the raw materials used to the clothes in the store and get in your home ... which ?! So you could buy and could come to the conclusion that you do not wear? And so you can use it to the heaps of the world to raise a little?
Okay, maybe a little too hasty. Because we all do sometimes bad buys and we all get sometimes items in our closet to which we do not use anymore. But why throw away? Do you know someone who can make you happy with it? Make that person happy about it! Do you know anyone who can make you happy with it? Donate clothing (or your other textile) than to charity. Really ... do you realize what you're fortunate position that you have good clothes can just throw it away! Recycle
Only clothes bridal that really do not help because there are holes, bridal stains or sit up completely worn fall under this category. It is not difficult to make a shorts trousers. Or a long-sleeved shirt with a short sleeve shirt.
Even easier: cut rags T-shirts. Why would you not do it? It is really important that you go with a brand new chic microfiber wipe the pee stains scrubs from your toilet? Cut just several square patches from an old shirt, throw them in the wash after use and use so until there is so many holes in it that you can not clean it. And then ... the tissue in the trash can.
I never understood why people their clothes wegggooien while so many people are still very hard clothing need! But maybe that's because I do with the idea of giving away clothes rather than grew up throwing. My mother's friends also slide all mature dress their children by themselves. Certainly my aunt with six kids is very happy with it, it's a lot cheaper than buying new each season!
Hi! Totally agree! Nice post, thanks! An extra tip for your readers: throw textile never in the bin! That dirty cloth not even your old towel not. Broken textiles namely just recycled! For example, the car seat is filling. So besides a container for my plastic and waste paper, I now also a bag for my textiles where all broken socks etc go! Here you can read more about it:
And, not least, check whether there is near a textile container is who takes broken things. Not every village will have this, I think, many containers would only reusable stuff. But it's worth figuring out. Fortunately, I do little clothing away. First fix (also good for the wallet!), And then reuse it can 't gone. My husband and I contribute 80-90% of what is in our closet and do together every year about 10 garments away. With a small closet and a small budget you can waste hard!
LTA I'm guilty of throwing away broken socks. Discolored or stained shirts or worn things I use to clean my shoes with it or sleep in or running. But otherwise? Clothes that I really do not like more / no longer fits, always goes to either the cycle either salvation army. I find it very strange that people dress apparently so drop in the trash ?! Shocking..Ik'm not with it reared.
Hello, bridal
Fun and useful tips! T-shirts as cleaning rags great! And clothing to the circuit or the army of salvation! I read now only the tip of the T-shirt to make 3 cute dresses to ma

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