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Symbolic royal diadem | Blog ideological Titus Filipas happy anniversary
@ Http:// political Fragmentarium problem is that a combination Vladimir Putin + Patrick Buchanan happy anniversary would be extremely dangerous for Romanian. Especially in the current context of restarting the Battle of Stalingrad. Already using preferentially old USSR (read "cannon fodder") Romanian Russian ethnic fighting in Southern Afghanistan against the Taliban in. You've probably heard now about the two bombings in Volgograd / Stalingrad. However, they did not come tamnisam (a Russian words). It was the first anti-Islamic statement very challenging "wise" Dmitry Rogozin, counselor Russian President Vladimir Putin. The opportunity statement? The foundation happy anniversary of the school of Cossacks from Volgograd / Stalingrad. We used here the name of Southern Russia for what I call the north-eastern Romania which usually tip. Because most legitimate rights we hold there. happy anniversary Recall that great "gold king" Michael VIII Palaiologos instituted a policy of relocation functions for Romania. Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos continued this policy. He sent a "royal diadem" symbolic recognition imperial office relocation in the area north of the Black Sea Ruler, Alexandru cel Bun. Treaty of Kuciuc Kainargi from 1774, for which I blame primarily on its action Voltaire in a famous pro-Russia lobby !, suspended this relocation. In perhaps happy anniversary little known to us Dmitry Rogozin's speech held at the school foundation for Cossacks happy anniversary from Volgograd / Stalingrad, it was said that precisely this space must be defended. The Islamic. I was surprised that it did not say "the Romanian". Cossacks from Volgograd / Stalingrad are produced precisely to defend, but to the north-eastern Romania Russia !, Pontic Islam. And the headmaster of Cossacks from Volgograd / Stalingrad is called Stratulat. happy anniversary Interestingly ethnic leverage! And in Moscow reporter for the New York Times that transmitted the latest news on products bombings in Volgograd / Stalingrad was called happy anniversary Nicholas Halipa. I thought Halipa is Bessarabian Romanian happy anniversary name. Titus Filipas
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