Saturday, November 29, 2014

Jeanne Krёmer: I

Krёmer: Being a mother in Belarus - is sometimes stigma | News from Belarus
Jeanne Krёmer: I'm birthday invitations not only a feminist, I am just in time for those parents who have one child, but would like to have more. I gave birth to her son, when he was, as they say, is quite young and stupid, and very much in love. I do not really understand what I was waiting for. Now the son is big. But from 20 to 30 years, if a woman is in the best physical condition, I did not give birth anymore.
For several reasons. First - financial. I think this is the most common reason. Often people do not bother to even one child, and with two or three you are just below the plinth. Nothing you can afford and that the worst, many can not afford a child. You can not buy good things, give into English or paid circles - and it is very pressing.
In addition, many simply have nowhere birthday invitations to live. As they say, do not want to produce the Basotho. Although I have, for example, a highly developed sense of motherhood, I want more kids, I wanted them all my life, but I just can not afford because it is very hard to watch when your child is malnourished or has things that wants to have, and can not develop as it should, or if, God forbid, even sick. Very painful to look at mothers with disabled children. It can happen to anyone. Parents, unfortunately, often simply go to sick children. Unhappy woman pulling on myself sick children without help from the father or from the state.
The second problem - no one to give birth. Men in the country, of course, is there, but many of them are alcoholics. If a woman does not just follow your feeling and thinking head, it will search for the father to his children, who passed to healthy genes, and would deal with a child, raised him. Of responsible and healthy, non-drinking men enough. They are in great demand, but they are not enough.
Jeanne Krёmer: Of course, there are also those who drink and those who are ill-treat their children. birthday invitations But there is a higher percentage of male responsibility. For my husband, he was a German, not a problem work out with the kids. He has been my son.
In Belarus, I had problems birthday invitations with partners, I was not married and men have a problem to marry a woman who has a child. We have this kind of stigma, do not know why. Ready to meet, but if you have a child - a chance to marry rolls to zero. In Belarus, I'm not so much aware of it all.
I spent several years in Austria, now moved to Germany. I had time to compare - and I just opened my eyes. I did not know that so bad in Belarus. We basically people to each other include birthday invitations consumer. As the saying goes: my husband loves his wife healthy, and his brother, sister rich. For women it is certainly more concerning, because for them yet and tails-kids.
In Germany, in Austria, I just see fathers who do not understand what the problem is, to rob the potatoes, wash dishes birthday invitations or work with the child. For them, the problem is not to marry a woman with children. Why so many Belarusians with children often get married abroad.
E: With that in Belarusian families to one child, and there is a task to increase the birth rate, the state does not want to single mothers can take advantage of in vitro fertilization, because children should grow up in two-parent families. How do you comment on this decision?
Jeanne Krёmer: I do not really understand why you can not, because it is a direct discrimination against women. In Germany, you can take the child from the orphanage, if you are not married. Will be watching, of course, whether you have enough birthday invitations funds. If you have a family - more chances, but only because the family earns more than one person. In IVF fertilization there is no limit for single women.
In principle, all understood this in Belarus, all sympathetic, no one said, will not - it will not. Everyone understood that it's terrible, it's the end of my life as a woman. Really a shock for me was when the first foreigner to whom I talked about it, now it's my husband, he said, but what's the problem? You do a full human being. That is, I'm not just an incubator.
Well, in simple everyday issues, wherever you go, do some papers - everywhere there is a corner where children can play, not sit in front of the cabinet with the parents and cry. In every restaurant, every café is where change diapers baby. That is the kind of thing that you notice when you have children and you want to enter into us.
Incidentally, in the LJ community minsk_by slingomamy looking cafes where you can sit with their children. In comments birthday invitations on them piled people who hunted them, they say, are not you ashamed to walk with umbrellas breasts at the ready. Like, it's ugly and disgusting, you are forcing all to see how you are breast-feeding children. birthday invitations
This is impossible to imagine in Europe and in Belarus is the norm. Mother - a stigma. If you bore - you sit in the house and all depend. birthday invitations And I understand that if a woman does not want to take it over and pull, as it is very difficult.

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