Monday, October 14, 2013

Even today, tao las vegas the major part of Albanians in Highland and in other regions Albanian, Sl

Journey through the fog of Albanians in Highland | Home MALESIA.ORG
Albanians in the course of history were ruled more than they were dominant. Faced with different rulers, were constantly in the process of assimilation of national substance. Therefore, today Serbia, Montenegrin, Macedonian, Bosnian, Turkish, Greek, etc.. with Albanian roots, but rarely and almost never have the opportunity to have the opposite. Unfortunately this trend continues today, especially in the Albanian lands in Montenegro.
The process of assimilation is the final stage in the Albanian lands in Rozhaj, Plav and Guci and Bar, which these lands, not long ago were populated with over 90% Albanian majority. Unfortunately, this is not the end, it seems that the row already has Great Highland, which has already entered the process of assimilation and speed this phenomenon is it erodes its roots.
Great Highland truly has a bright switch, tao las vegas with which generations tao las vegas of proud today. The question is whether we pride ourselves why the present, and who would be proud of in the future and present generations? So, if this trend continues at this pace, whether there will be or what he boasts?
Highland Albanians today are found in a complex situation, many problems of economic policy which are causing weakening and thinning of the "plant" national. Situation which did not start today, but long ago which is ongoing.
National consciousness among the Albanians here is low and is diminishing day by day more. Thus, contraction and lack, in most cases the denial of national consciousness results in the loss of distinctive level resistance to assimilation.
Since the early twentieth tao las vegas century but until earlier today in Montenegro, Slavs with their apparatus harbored contempt and hatred towards them. Ruler who hated the ruled, where the reflection of the ruler hatred was greater than the opposite, and as such was and is in inverse proportion! Being small in number, printed, discrimination, without force and without support primarily from the homeland itself frustruan Albanians were putting a burden dimension of fear that exceed the "conviction" that being Albanians, speak Albanian, tao las vegas Albanian flag wilt therefore be themselves, is something bad, something that does not benefit but lose. It is the beginning and the weakening of national consciousness, self-denial.
While the state of Montenegro has already identified and distinct in European circles as a democratic state and citizens, fake mask put before the European Union and proclaimed it as a union of nations / states (where there are no boundaries and differences), tends to Albanians to convert the "cosmopolitan" while they eventually stripped of any national element, and its always maintaining their nationalism extremely significant in size compared with the radical, then the Slavic nationalism.
For weakening / deterioration of national sentiment as a very effective form of easier assimilation of Albanians in Yugoslavia powers of the past, which continues today, have used various methods, repeat the method to create his conviction Albanians / fear that all this has passed in frustration, that being Albanian means stands out from others, but in the negative sense.
Adding the suffix Vic (VIQ) Albanian surnames beginning was a method of assimilation easier (Montenegrin entry excited!). Despite the easing of procedures to improve the name / surname and the possibility of writing in Albanian language in official documents, Albanians still keep the adjective suffix calf. If the name slip ring and written in Albanian, at first glance is a self-declaration of what you are, which often arouses antipathy tao las vegas of an employee (Slavic) in an office, tao las vegas or a public service institution (school, hospital, police, etc.) to an Albanian who require performance of any service or procedure as the right of every citizen. By the fact that his nationality is pronounced, it can often discriminated against in various forms. If not more, that rather than becomes a relief, would face otherwise. Therefore Albanians can even choose their ethnicity not showy.
Even today, tao las vegas the major part of Albanians in Highland and in other regions Albanian, Slavic surnames are current and also to identify as such. This scale that has exceeded forms of "shame" individual and the collective tribal. Where there is no "shame" and someone introduced you to log in as Ivezić, Dedvuković, Ljuljanović, Ljuljdjurović, Berišić, Ujkić, Pepić, Camović, Đonović, Gilic, Đoković. All this requires an explanation, maybe even something more calls for increased voice and civil disobedience against the

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